To dental office
Our offer is dedicated to dental offices. From digital smile design to hand crafted all ceramic restorations and photo documentation of the case. Check what can we offer to your office.
- PSD- Photoshop digital smile design
- Diagnostic wax-up: full contour analog smile project, silicon matrix, preparation keys
- Shade matching: stamp control, digital shade taking according to LAB parameters
- Ceramic restorations: feldspathic crowns, veneers, mini veneers, palatal veneers, full contour zirconia restorations finished with MiYO liquid porceline, E-max press system.
- Photo documentation: professional photoshoots, medical documentation, before and after intra-extra oral photography, shade taking photos.
Model work
Well made, accurate working cast is after good taken impression next step to ideal fitted final restoration. Beside Pindex system we work mainly in Geller Model modification. This is one of the key stage of making restorations, there is no compromises and mistake margins.

Digital shade matching
Individual shade matching, digital analysis based on measuring of grey card parameters, shade guide and natural tooth. Polar-eyes filters and proper camera settings are the great help in matching the brightness of teeth.
Full control before delivery
Porceline, next to my job, definitely is a passion. Smile Studio focusses on quality not at quantity. Each patient has our full attention. Individualized stamp dies, gives us full control of shade and characterization of restoration. We do everything to make our work as close to nature as it possible.

Feldspath ceramic
At the days of digital manufacture, scanning, printing, monolithic and staining, we still think and finding the real beauty and esthetic in hand made layering technique.
It is well known that feldspath cannot be dedicated to all our patients. We developed digital techniques to give the possibility of beautiful smiles to all of our patients. Smile Studio also works on zirconium and press lithium disilicate materials. All these techniques must be performed in satisfying way in esthetic standards of our patients.